Thursday, May 20, 2010

The FLog has moved!

Here's the new FLog: . This will probably be the last update of this blog, so make sure to subscribe there if you want to continue to receive E-mail updates.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I said I'd update again when something happened...

...well something did happen. I was passing by when I wanted to check out a new fish store. I was very impressed with everything they had and the way they treated their fish, but most importantly they had something I've been looking for for a very long time...

He doesn't have a name yet, but I've been looking for a yellow clown goby for quite some time, and not only did I finally find one, but he's in very good shape also. I also went to the other fish store where I was going originally and put in a request for the next two tangs, so hopefully they'll have something soon.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

An update...

I haven't updated in a while, because not much has happened in a while. Things are going well for both tanks.

I'm getting close to the point where I'm ready to get two tangs for the saltwater tank, either this weekend or next weekend I'll work on getting the fish store to get them for me, but I don't know how long that will take. I'm not holding my breath, but hopefully it will be soon. Also, during that time, I'll be looking into getting more of a clean-up crew since all that's left of the old one are the hermit crabs that killed all of the snails.

The freshwater tank is starting to settle in, and I'm getting better at feeding the plants right and keeping the algae under control. The Ludwigia is doing very well, there are now three of them and I just started with one. Also, one of the anubias was growing so much I had to cut it in half today, so there will be more of that now. Here are some pictures:

More updates when things happen...