Tuesday, December 15, 2009


So I haven't updated in a while, here's what's happened and what the plans are:

I haven't seen the green clown goby since we put him in the tank, I'm not keeping any hope that he's still alive, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was.

Last night we moved the blenny into the main tank. He was eating well and everything in the quarantine, and I think the white spots we would see sometimes were due to stress. He found a hole to crawl into pretty quickly, and we got a couple of (not so great) pictures:


We also got a video, which should be on youtube soon. The cave goby has dug quite a hole in the front corner of the tank that he's grown attached to, and the blenny was a little too close to it, so the goby has been shooting sand at the blenny all night, and this morning there was a huge pile where the blenny was. We'll see how long it takes for that to work itself out...

With these exceptions, everybody else has been doing very well in the display tank. We got a firefish goby who is very shy, but will come out to eat and when there is nobody else around. Here's a picture:


The quarantine tank is empty right now, so this weekend I want to get some more fish. The cardinals are next, but I think they will go straight into the display tank. I'm still looking for one more blenny if one comes up, but I think that will wait until the sand war is over, and even then, things may not look so good for another blenny. 150 gallons is a lot of space but they seem like they would rather fight right now.

In other news, we managed to find some figure-8 puffers at a store about an hour away, so I'd kind of like to get something set up for them soon while I can still find them.

We lost the last paraguay tetra about a week ago in the freshwater tank. He was pretty old and he was the last one left, so I'm not concerned about the rest of the guys, but it was still pretty sad.

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