Friday, November 27, 2009

First non-microscopic life in the display tank!

Today was a pretty exciting day: today I got the clean-up crew for the display tank, and they were just put in. The clean-up crew right now consists of:

20 Turbo Snails
10 Red Algae Hermit Crabs
about 7-10 Nassarius Snails
about 10 of some other type of snail (I'll work on getting an ID, and probably edit this post)
3 Peppermint Shrimp

Here are some pictures. I'll also add these to the facebook album in case you would rather look at them there instead of clicking on all these links:

Also, we got a Mandarin Goby. We have our eyes on a couple of other gobies, but here are some pictures of the new addition:

He seemed pretty stressed out, because he had a long time in the bag before he got into the quarantine, so we'll see if he makes it. Here are some pictures of a couple of other types of gobies we should be getting over the next couple of days:

Two-Spot Goby (it's available to buy but these guys are sensitive so I want to wait a little bit before we get this one)
Yellow Clown Goby (probably two or three of these, they're on order, and I may have to buy them online if worse comes to worse)
Diamond Watchman Goby (we'd probably only get one of these if the Two-Spot didn't work out. Flip was a Diamond Watchman Goby)

Hopefully things will go well for these new additions: I'll try to update as things happen and maybe get some more pictures.

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