Thursday, March 4, 2010

I can't think of a good subject for this post

It's been a while since I've updated, so here's what's happened since then.

The yellow tang has been doing very well. I learned that if I feed him less brine shrimp, that he will eat his vegetables. He's halfway through the hyposalinity treatment, so in two weeks I'll bring the salinity back up to normal, then after that it will be a couple of weeks before he goes in the main tank.

Butch was getting a little mean in his quarantine tank, and the other guys (Lemmy, Magnum, and Ruckus) are a lot smaller than the tang, so it made sense to add those guys to the display tank. They are very happy in there, and Ruckus has even started to turn purple instead of his usual black color. We used to think he got that way when he was stressed, but he's clearly not stressed. Here's a picture:

Dusty got really agitated, and he sort of buried the hole where Flash liked to hang out. I saw him once after that but I haven't seen him in a couple of days, so I hope he's OK.

I got a new light for the freshwater tank. It will hopefully allow me to keep some more plants and will help with the java fern that's still in there. I'm going to order some more plants this weekend, and hopefully the combination of more plants to compete with the algae and actually getting the right nutrients in there for the plants will make for less algae, and that tank should end up being really awesome. I also managed to get a couple of pictures of the freshwater guys while experimenting with the new camera.

So, there should be another update soon about the plants in the freshwater tank. That update will probably be next weekend at the latest.

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