Saturday, March 27, 2010

Some good updates

I've spent many hours between yesterday and today working with the fish tanks, and there's quite a bit to show for it. First, the saltwater tanks:

The yellow tang is finally in the display tank! It's been seven weeks in quarantine getting over the ich, but he's finally in there, and after almost a day, he's finally relaxed a bit. It won't be long before the tank is completely stocked! Sarge and Butch are rooming together in the 20G quarantine, which was completely cleaned. Both of them are happy with the extra space, especially Sarge. Here are some pictures:

They all have names, and the names will be revealed when the tank is fully stocked. If everything goes well, that will be next weekend.

Now for an update on the freshwater tank. I've had to do a lot of adjusting with quite a few of the plants, but I think it's finally going to settle down now, and it looks good enough that I'm not embarrassed to take pictures of it. Here are a few:

The plants are as follows:

Back left and front right - Dwarf Onion
Back right and front left - Anubias Barteri
Attached to the driftwood - Java Fern (this one is the only one that isn't new)

Middle, on the right (with the red leaves) - Ludwigia peruensis
Middle, on the left - Tall Sags
Front, growing like grass - Micro Swords

I also got nine Red Cherry Shrimp, but those guys are really tiny and they like to hide a lot. I haven't gotten a good picture of one and I don't know if I ever will. Hopefully the plants will do well wince I have good lighting and I'm dosing the tank with fertilizers.

One more thing, I'm starting to reduce the size of a lot of the pictures I post by cropping them, which means that except for full-tank shots and stuff like that, my pictures won't take so long to load. That's all I got now, next update will be next weekend at the latest.

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