Friday, October 23, 2009

Measurements from Tuesday

Sorry I haven't updated. I've been working a lot of overtime this week and haven't had much time for anything. Hopefully this weekend I'll catch up on life, and stop by the fish store for a few things. I'll probably update at that point too. Here's what I have:

First, I've decided to put a timer on the lights in the freshwater tank. I had been leaving them on all day and even though the advice I got from the fish store said that was OK, it turns out that it will be better for the plants, and also the nocturnal stuff in the tank to have 12 hours of darkness each day. It turns out I have a lot of nocturnal stuff in there too: the neon tetras, Herbert, and (sort of) the snails.

The quarantine has had a zero ammonia rating for a while, and on Tuesday, I measured:
Nitrite: 0.2 ppm
Nitrate: 10 ppm
...which looks promising.

I measured the display tank also for ammonia:
Ammonia: 0.25 ppm
...I don't expect to see a significant reading for a while but I'll keep measuring it anyways, and I'll be tracking it with the same spreadsheet I tried last time. After a couple of weeks I should be able to track the cycle pretty accurately, which is important since it's fishless.

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